Well, here goes nothing: The first episode of the All Y’all Podcast is in the can. What we mean by that is, it’s done. Not like it’s in “the crapper,” or “the hiney.” You know what we mean! You are always thinking dirty things!

So, for this first episode, we invited about 50 friends over to help us celebrate our birthdayversarypalooza, our joint birthday and wedding anniversary celebration. Chris cooked the hot dogs, interviewed the guests about their preferences in hot dogs, and gave Bowser the Bassett Hound the Heimlich maneuver when he choked on a discarded hot dog bun…while Sara drank beer and looked cute in an apron. Seriously, she looked adorable.
As it turns out, folks have some pretty specific opinions that they gladly offer up when plied with cheap beer and asked “What do you look for in a hot dog?” These opinions range from completely understandable and reasonable to…well, to nonsensical train-of-thought ramblings about Trace Atkins’ genitals. But that’s why we love our friends. You just never, ever know what they’ll say next.
Listen here, if you dare:
Congratulations on your first pod! I am looking forward to more.
This turned out great, keep em comin ya’ll!
Oh oh my!!!!! What a subject!!!!
You are crazy!!!!! What fun!!!!
Bob & Beth